Bush Tucker

🐝 AGES 3+ ⌛ 1 HR 🌤 ALL YEAR


We sample some yummy native foods, spices and fruits, then build our own bush tucker swag to take home. 


  • We start by sharing a range of tasty bush tucker.

  • Next, we look at what local plants best support our amazing native species and discover how First Nations people might’ve used them.

  • Through role play and movement, we invite kids to imagine life as their favourite native animal, a native bee, blue tongue, or kangaroo and discover why they have evolved the way they have.

  • From here, we place our edible and native seeds into biodegradable pots that can be replanted straight into the garden.

  • Next we’ll build our own native seed balls that can be thrown directly into a garden, or grown at home.

If you have an area that can incorporate a bush tucker garden, we can also add in a planting session. We supply all the materials for this incursion. For prices and availability, please send us an email.


Wonderful water


Garden gnomes, Mud pies and mini-beasts